Monday, November 18, 2013

Fun with Google

Google is the popular search Engine. Have any body tried to make fun through Google? If you want to fun with google then try the below process:
1. Do a barrel roll
    Open Google, copy and paste the above words and then press Enter. See the magic!

2. Zerg rush
    Search these words in Google as you done the 1st one. Wait for 10 second! Shoot them with your mouse pointer and increase your score!

3. Google Gravity
    Copy and paste these word in Google. Press Enter. Click on the 1st search result. Then Search something on the Search bar!

4. Let me Search it for Google
    Copy and paste or type the words in Google and search it. Then Click on the 1st search result. Then search again for something. You will have a Link. Copy it in to your address bar and wait for a second!

5. Annoying Google
    Type these words or Copy and paste them in Google and press Enter!

6. Askew
    Copy and paste this word in Google and press Enter!

7. Hide oo in Google Logo
    Click here. And then click on "o" in the Logo. And then click again. And a click again and you are in real Google!

8. the answer to life the universe and everything
    Copy and paste the above sentence and press enter then the number 42 will be appear in the display bar of calculator.

9.  once in a blue moon
    Copy and paste the above sentence then the frequency will be displayed.

10. the loniest number
      Copy and paste the above sentence and press enter then the number  1  will be appear in the display bar of calculator.

11.  the number of horns on a unicorn
      Copy and paste the above sentence and press enter then the number  1  will be appear in the display bar of calculator.

12. donkeypower
      Copy and paste the above sentence and press enter then the donkey power  will be appear.

13. potrzebie
      Copy and paste the above sentence and press enter.

14. ngogn
15. beard-second

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